トップページ > 占い > 2009年05月08日 > IG9Yjnf5


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621 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[age]:2009/05/08(金) 09:36:08 ID:IG9Yjnf5
Libra, Friday, 8 May 2009
Politicians don't get votes saying, 'I really don't know what to do about a particular problem.
But if you put me in office then, when the issue comes up, I will have a really good brainwave on the spur of the moment and think of something brilliant.'
It's a shame, in a way, that we don't elect our leaders on the basis of their fluidity, intuition and imagination.
It probably explains why the same old things keep happening.
Worse still, any outbreaks of spontaneity have to be hidden behind a mask of gravitas. But a sudden insight, today, could change everything.

622 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[age]:2009/05/08(金) 09:39:13 ID:IG9Yjnf5
Bridgett Walther.
Weekend Update: Happy Mother's Day Weekend to all you Peace, Love and Justice moms!
Friday helps you move forward in a situation that felt kind of stuck.
You get just enough encouragement to motivate further research.
You're persistent and refuse to give up on a great idea.
Others sense your commitment and want to help any way they can.
Saturday's Full Moon emphasizes a turning point in a financial matter.
You'd like getting affirmative response as soon as possible,
but budgetary concerns may slow things down just a touch.
That's okay, keep going. You can have an agreement or understanding worked out and up and running within a month.
Now is not the time to bow out.
You might hear conflicting opinions about an ongoing debate or project, possibly aggravated by the Full Moon.
Luckily, Mother's Day is a breeze.
You relax and make a conscious decision to enjoy the day ? and you do. You decide to do things your way instead of caving in to another's demands or fears.
Good for you, Libra!

623 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[age]:2009/05/08(金) 09:41:27 ID:IG9Yjnf5
Jill for the week of May 08, 2009
Your planetary ruler, Venus, is in your opposite sign, Aries now and so is Aries' planetary ruler, Mars.
This week, Mars forms an uncomfortable aspect with Saturn, which suggests that you could experience some frustration or anger in your relationships with others, particularly a partner.
You seem to be trying to control things so that you can get what you want, but you may not be consciously aware that you are being controlling.
This week's Full Moon suggests that you may be involved in a power struggle because of differing values. Now that Mercury is retrograde, it is an excellent time for you to reassess your beliefs and values.
