トップページ > ENGLISH > 2018年11月08日 > UvN0HFMW0


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名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)
【NHKラジオ講座】ラジオ英会話 Part 29
yamadewとかいう英語教授法オチャー奴 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【NHKラジオ講座】ラジオ英会話 Part 29
250 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)[]:2018/11/08(木) 00:18:11.86 ID:UvN0HFMW0

Why do you want to overcome your preconceived idea that you are poor at English?
If English is not necessary in your career and life, you don't have any reason to study
English, right? If you really have to be able to speak (or read or, I don't know) English,
you'll find the motivations easily.
【NHKラジオ講座】ラジオ英会話 Part 29
251 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)[]:2018/11/08(木) 00:50:39.53 ID:UvN0HFMW0

Is that something you should ask those guys here in this thread?
There must be more suitable thread someplace else, no?
yamadewとかいう英語教授法オチャー奴 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
166 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)[]:2018/11/08(木) 20:11:18.58 ID:UvN0HFMW0
【NHKラジオ講座】ラジオ英会話 Part 29
265 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)[]:2018/11/08(木) 21:32:02.41 ID:UvN0HFMW0
I can't agree with you more, but what made you say so here?
【NHKラジオ講座】ラジオ英会話 Part 29
266 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)[]:2018/11/08(木) 21:34:52.47 ID:UvN0HFMW0
Maybe you guys should engross youselves in reading as much authentic English as possible,
so that you can speak and write good English.
yamadewとかいう英語教授法オチャー奴 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
168 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 81bd-hiLZ)[]:2018/11/08(木) 23:39:06.04 ID:UvN0HFMW0
