トップページ > ENGLISH > 2018年04月19日 > J1F59N/n6


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名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ガックシWW 06b6-Bzyb)
なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 15


なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 15
673 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ガックシWW 06b6-Bzyb)[]:2018/04/19(木) 09:29:16.01 ID:J1F59N/n6
A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS の本編に入る前の説明です

THE SET is the same throughout but capable of varied lightings, as indicated. Its form is finally
a matter for the designer, but to some extent is dictated by the action of the play. I have
visualized two galleries of flattened Tudor arches, one above the other, able to be entered from
off-stage. A flight of stairs leading from the upper gallery to the stage. A projection which can
suggest an alcove or closet, with a tapestry curtain to be drawn across it. A table and some
chairs, sufficiently heavy to be congruous indoors or out.

THE COSTUMES is also a matter for the designer, but I have visualized no exact
reproductions of the elaborate style of the period. I think plain colors should be used, thus scarlet
for the Cardinal, gray for More, gold for the King, green for the Duke, blue for Margaret, black
and pinstripe for the administrators Rich and Cromwell, and so on.
なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 15
674 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ガックシWW 06b6-Bzyb)[]:2018/04/19(木) 09:30:49.78 ID:J1F59N/n6
I have
visualized two galleries of flattened Tudor arches, one above the other, able to be entered from

