トップページ > ENGLISH > 2016年08月01日 > MqBjLinJ0


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カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 75c6-6bfQ)
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32 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 75c6-6bfQ)[darkaura@gmail.com]:2016/08/01(月) 22:12:48.63 ID:MqBjLinJ0
Look if you're a man, you should treat women with respect. And just because I'm white, does not mean that I think women should be treated badly.
I grew up to respect women, care for children, and respect my elders. No if you want to see shock nothing like seeing an old woman's face when you tell
her to go in front of you in the line. I think the idea of men treating women badly is wrong in this day and age. Everyone should be treated the same.
