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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 318 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
多読のすゝめ 3冊目
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
字幕なしで映画を日常的に見ている人のためのスレ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
紙の英和辞典について語るスレ3 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 318 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
921 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 06:28:33.57 ID:mAMauXZe


>>Peter Pan will to teach us to fly.

   (1) Peter Pan is to teach...
   (2) Peter pan will teach...

ちなみに、Peter Pan の物語の(書き換え版ではなく)原典では次のようになっているようです。
   "Wake up," she cried, "Peter Pan has come and ●he is to teach● us to fly.".
スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 318 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
922 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 06:40:56.26 ID:mAMauXZe
Japan Times のページ

(1) We took very strong action and position at the time.

(2) [My action and position were] ●So● strong ---
     ("so... that..." の構文。「あまりに strong なので、that 以下のことが起こった」)

(3) ●that● basically my position, --- (that 以下の節の主語は、my position)
(4) publicly stated so [that] the North Koreans could understand it,
  これは挿入句。冒頭に "which was" を補って考えてもよい。
  "so [that] 主語 could..." の構文。「北朝鮮人がそれを理解できるように公言された」

(5) was [that] we would not allow them to make plutonium.
  (3) の my position という主語に続く述語(述部)の部分。
  "My position was [that] S V" で、「私の立場(考え方)は、〜であるということだ」。
多読のすゝめ 3冊目
536 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 07:02:58.63 ID:mAMauXZe

まったく同感だ。僕も "Jane Eyre" は、2年か3年ほど前に、YouTube 上にある
Librivox による朗読版を最後まで聞きながら文字を追っかけた。特に躍動的なのは、
Mr. Rochester の長い台詞だ。

   Librivox というボランティア団体がこの小説の全体を朗読したページ
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
66 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 10:24:56.91 ID:mAMauXZe
Fair market value 2016 - Trailer

Welcome to Atlantic Shores Realtors. Everybody, this is Ke.... (... Gracias.) Kendall.
This is Kendall, everyone. So, here you're real estate agents. No, here you are *the*
real estate agents. My sales last year was 43 million... I'm sorry. Uh, what was your
sales? Fifty-nine million. Phew! You've been to a black barbershop before? I'm just a
white girl from London. I've never even been to KFC. You two are working together. I
see you're trying to imply that I'm ... quote unquote... jealous. I'm sorry, but I have to
decide ??? kind to the page. My parents want to meet you. What is that smell? I'm
making spam, maraconi, and cheese. Unfortunately, I am allergic. To what? To all of it.
All of the ingredients. It's like you're implying I'm not a man or something. Here's your
Strawberry Becky. Dirty Dozen. Oh, no. Pray with me. Isn't that a private rich one? No,
I think it's masturbation. I think I'm going to be sick. I'm sorry. That's the whole
English I have. I'm going to sell the shit out of this house.
字幕なしで映画を日常的に見ている人のためのスレ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
84 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 11:54:08.61 ID:mAMauXZe
"Downton Abbey" というイギリスのドラマが NHK で放映されているそうだが、本国イギリス
では、去年(2015年)にシーズン1から6までを終えたそうだ。日本語字幕付きの DVD や
Blu-ray はベラボウに高いが、輸入盤なら安い。

   Downton Abbey - Series 1-6 [DVD][import]
     Maggie Smith (出演), Hugh Bonneville (出演) 形式: DVD ¥ 9,980

上記のものは、51 episodes がすべて収録され、DVD ディスクがなんと23枚もついて
いるから、その割には値段が安いと言える。Blu-ray 版は、これよりも 3,000円ほど高い。

このシリーズを楽しみにする人は本国イギリスでも多いらしく、"Downton Abbey
Script Book" のシリーズも販売されている。1シーズンごとに 400 ページくらいの
1シーズンごとに 3,000円前後の値段がついている。6シーズンすべてを揃えると、
script だけでも2万円近くかかることになる。

さらには、このドラマにちなんだ他の書籍も販売されている。たとえば "Downton Abbey:
A Celebration" という本があり、これには、6シリーズ分すべての荒筋が紹介されているそうだ。
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 12:35:49.47 ID:mAMauXZe
DOWNTON ABBEY 6 : "Special Christmas" 2015 - THE FINALE

The life change for Lady Edith Crawley or the family taken after Instroll. He's working
out. Henry, Mary, and Dalton. As far as I can tell. Now I'm just a poor man in school to
buy a rich wife and that's not what I want for you. I'm so ??? of you, you know. This is
your moment. Well done to you. Hey goodbyes. There seem to be so many of them these
days. And no one could pray for your good fortune more heartily than I. We are very
grateful to you, Kurtz. What can I do? I can hardly push my way past the servants run
upstairs to their bedroom. I can't see why not. Vary is my son, I love you. But I've tried
and failed like you. Carson. Vary Rose, how nice to see you! Anna! Oh, look at you!
Kurtis presents the hours spent at the hospital. I was not spending money, you know.
What's that? It should be. These are hairdryer for Lady Mary. ??? comes to ??? here, not
me. He's nice. We could do worse. I could do it a lot better, no? He just sends love. She's
gone to London. Not to see you, Berty. I assume. I've never had a proper chance to say
"thank you" for rescuing me. Glad to do it. I'm to the pump. Lenka has told me all about your column. We never know what's coming, of course, who does? But I'd say... we have
a good chance.
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
68 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 13:03:50.20 ID:mAMauXZe
Downton Abbey SERIES FINALE (Christmas Special 2015) (6x09)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld
acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne? I hope you're not too unhappy about the
way things have turned out. The world is a different place from the way it was, my lord.
And Downton Abbey must change with it. Arrived here as a boy, I leave as a man.
Please don't go. Makes me smile. Every year we're doing a few chores way maybe
written. ??? merry for the chance. I think you are. We never know what's coming, of
course, who does? But I'd say... we have a good chance. Spend one last "Christmas at
Downton Abbey: The Final Episode." Christmas Day at ITV.
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
69 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 13:12:08.18 ID:mAMauXZe
"The Real Downton Abbey" Servants: The True Story Of Life Below Stairs 1/3

A century ago, one and a half million of us worked as servants. Astonishingly, that's
more than worked in industries or on the land. My great-grandmother was a servant.
And coming from this background, I want to find out about the reality of their lives.
Country houses like these simply wouldn't have been able to function without a whole
army of staff working away above and below stairs. [SUBTITLE: Dr. Pamela Cox, Essex
University] When I come to places like this, my first instinct isn't to go through the
formal entrance. But find the servants' door, and going that way. In this series, I want
to dispel the nostalgia and fantasies that we have around domestic service and reveal a
much more complex world. I'm going to tell a very different sort of history. One of
suppressed passions, strict hierarchies, and an obsession with status and class.
Digging through the archives, I'll track down the lost lives of real servants whose voices
have largely been forgotten. Who's this? Not bad-looking. Yes, very good-looking. We
were underdogs. We weren't on the same level of ??? We had to know our place. I'll visit
the homes of the super-rich and anxious middle classes in order to understand how
servants actually lived and worked. (1 minutes 30 seconds まで)
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
70 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 13:40:48.82 ID:mAMauXZe
>>69 の続き、1 minute 28 seconds から
"The Real Downton Abbey" Servants: The True Story Of Life Below Stairs 1/3

But above all, I want to ask some difficult questions that have been left unanswered for
decades. Amazing, isn't it? Our country was based on an idea around service so long.
Why was that? Why did that world disappear? And what uncomfortable truths can we
uncover while looking over the realities of servants' lives? [Episode 1: Knowing Your
Place] Between the mid-18th and the mid-19th century, grand country houses sprang
up all over Britain. New wealth in the British Empire and the Industrial Revolution
transformed feudal homes into grand estates of a new ruling class. One of these was
Erddig Hall in North Wales. Erddig Hall was a local landowner in York and their staff.
Thirty outdoor estate workers plus 15 indoor servants. In the servants' quarters, the
first thing you see is a poem blessing them all. "May heaven protect our home from
flame or hurt or harm of various name! And may no evil betide any who therein ??? by
it! Or who from homes beyond its gates bestow their toil on this estate." "Toil" is the
word. The hall was built on a generous scale: 200,000 square feet of house, six formal
reception rooms, a chapel, a grand dining room, and nine family bedrooms. In order to
service these rooms, there were twice as many rooms downstairs and in the outhouses.
(3 minutes 26 seconds まで)
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 14:24:39.72 ID:mAMauXZe
>>70 の続き、3 minutes 2 seconds から
"The Real Downton Abbey" Servants: The True Story Of Life Below Stairs 1/3

In order to service these rooms, there were twice as many rooms downstairs and in the
outhouses, each with their own specific function. From the kitchen, and the scullery, to
the laundry, and the bake-house. The family upstairs could summon the servants to
any part of the house at any time. Perfect might seem quiet now, but in its prime, the
economic scale that worked kept it going was staggering. Every week, three tons of coal
were carried around to fuel 51 places, five ovens, and three coppers. Two to three
hundred gallons of water were carted around different parts of the house for cooking,
cleaning, and washing. And for washing, we're talking up to 600 items per week. Then
there was this food. Four meals a day for 30 people that would be the family and their
staff, guests, and their staff. And all this was done by hand, by a small army of servants
working 17-hour days all year round with no modern technology. This scale of service
was repeated in country houses across the British Isles. But what's so unusual about
Erddig is that the family had a long-standing tradition of having portraits made of
their servants. This is the family of servants at Erddig in 1852. The family of servants
at the front and the real family at the back. In that window there. (4 minutes 55
seconds まで)
紙の英和辞典について語るスレ3 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
910 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 17:30:35.57 ID:mAMauXZe
Oxford Dictionaries には、challenge の意味として、

Medicine Expose (the immune system)
to pathogenic organisms or antigens.

  (Oxford Dictionaries Pro)
字幕なしで映画を日常的に見ている人のためのスレ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
85 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 19:51:23.97 ID:mAMauXZe
"The Real Downton Abbey" Servants: The True Story Of Life Below Stairs 1/3

"Downton Abbey" というドラマシリーズが爆発的に流行っていると聞いて、それに関連する
ビデオを YouTube 上で探していると、上記のようなドキュメンタリー番組が見つかった。
Dr. Pamela Cox という魅力ある女性の歴史学博士が提供する3時間の番組。今日一日で


スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 318 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
932 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 20:29:41.68 ID:mAMauXZe
そのように wasn't he not の代わりに was he not と言い、さらに not を強く
発音することはよくあるみたいだ。wasn't とか can't とすると、not を強く発音
することができない。だからあえて was he not とか can you not として、
not を強く発音するのだ。このような can you not の言い回しをたまたま映画の

Howards End Trailer 1992
  (上記のビデオの 1 minute 48 seconds のところから)

このビデオでの台詞を、下記に書き出す。なお、該当する can you not の

You have had a mistress. I forgave you. My sister has a lover,
you drive her from the house! Why ●can you not● be honest
for once in your life and say to yourself,
"What Helen has done, I have done"?
英語をひたすら聞き取り書き取る ディクテーション [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 20:39:09.30 ID:mAMauXZe
Howards End Trailer 1992

The Wilcoxes, they've taken ??? son. The Wilcox pointed our house. So there lives a girl
trying to catch me. Ridiculous! Howard's End was almost pulled down once. It would
have killed me. It was left me by my older brother who died out in India. I *love* it so.
We have here a note imported in your mother's handwriting. And it says, "I would like
Miss Schlegel, Margaret, to have Howard's End." I could disgrust that woman's eye out.
Taking my mother's place. An idea. Do you want to marry me? Are you doing flier? I get
to the world. Let's dance. Just you and me. Don't take up the sentimental attitude over
the poor. See what that does Margaret. The poor are poor. One is sorry for them, but
there it is. What's wrong to ??? Starving. Starving. Who is starving? The Basks! He has
turned broke thanks to us, he's ??? We've ruined him. Aren't you going to say hello? Do
you know Mrs. Lenster? No, I don't! Everything's got wrong for you, hasn't it? You have
had a mistress. I forgave you. My sister has a lover, you drive her from the house! Why
can you not be honest for once in your life and say to yourself, "What Helen has done, I
have done"? Charles!
字幕なしで映画を日常的に見ている人のためのスレ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
86 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2016/01/11(月) 21:00:40.34 ID:mAMauXZe
Critics' Picks: Howards End - nytimes.com/video

"Howard's End" の映画も、2年くらい前に YouTube 上ですべて見た。僕にとっては
"Howard's End" としては数分の videoclips がいくつか公開されているだけで、
だけは、全編が YouTube 上にある。

たった今、この映画の trailer や上記の New York Times による紹介ビデオを見て、


なお、この映画は Bloomsbury Group の一人(つまり Virginia Woolf と深く
関わった文学者のひとり)である E.M. Forster が20世紀初期に書いた古典的な

