トップページ > ENGLISH > 2014年09月07日 > 8KwE9e/m


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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 186


Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 186
211 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2014/09/07(日) 10:42:34.35 ID:8KwE9e/m!
It looks like there's a direct bus from LHR -> Cambridge run by National Express. I haven't taken it.
You can also take the Tube to Piccadilly and take the train to Cambridge. The bus is probably cheaper.
I liked Cambridge when I visited my friends there. The pubs are quite nice.

As for English - since Cambridge is a university town with a fair amount of foreign students, they will
be at least somewhat used to accents and non-native speakers. Don't worry about your grammar; worry about
your pronunciation and oral comprehension. Watch movies in English, maybe?

I knew almost no Japanese when I went to C70. One of the tables had an electronics project with its schematics.
There was one part of the schematic I didn't understand, so I asked the guy "これはなにですか?”
He replied with 「ああ、トランジスターアレーです。」Or in English, "transistor array".
So even though I spoke almost no Japanese and he didn't speak English, we could still understand each other.
If you're in Physics or Chemistry, though, those are from ドイツ語 so it might be a little more difficult.
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 186
213 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2014/09/07(日) 12:24:01.82 ID:8KwE9e/m!
price increase? Do you mean "inflation"?
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 186
216 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage]:2014/09/07(日) 13:48:01.92 ID:8KwE9e/m!
Aha.「物価高騰」, then?

It looks like 物価 is a more general term than what (American) English economic reporting uses.
"Commodity pricing" is used for general goods and services (either personal and business, but
usually just business), "cost of living" for personal G&S, and "prices" for both.

I would rephrase that as "...and a jump in the cost of living." but that's inferring some context,
and could be inaccurate.
