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777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL
■■■英文法書総合スレ Chapter26■■■
英文解釈参考書スレッド part11
英検1級 Part113


88 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 07:44:27.64 ID:QgD5PhGA
TheThe question will be asked of me why I actually have brought
up these small and, according to traditional judgment, quite
insignificant things: I hurt myself thereby, all the more so if I am
destined to assume great tasks. Answer: these small things ―
nutrition, locality, climate, recreation, the entire casuistry of
selfishness ― are inconceivably more important than everything that
has hitherto been considered important. Precisely here one must
begin to learn anew. Those things which mankind has seriously
considered heretofore are not even realities, merely fancies, more
strictly speaking, lies, arising from the bad instincts of sick, in the
deepest sense destructive, natures ― all the concepts of “God,” “soul,”
“virtue,” “sin,” “the beyond,” “truth,” “eternal life”...
But what was sought in them was the greatness of human nature,
its “divinity”...All questions of politics, of social organization,
of education have been falsified down to the ground and ground-floor
because the most destructive men have been taken for great men,
because people were taught to despise the “little” things,
meaning the fundamental affairs of life itself...
If I now compare myself with the men who have heretofore been honored
as the foremost among men, then the difference is obvious.
I do not even count these alleged “foremost ones” as men in general
― to me they are the refuse of humanity, products of sickness and vengeful instincts:
they are absolutely pernicious, fundamentally incurable monsters taking their revenge
upon life...I want to be the opposite of this: it is my privilege to have
the highest acuteness with respect to all the signs of healthy instincts.
■■■英文法書総合スレ Chapter26■■■
199 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 17:36:28.16 ID:QgD5PhGA
お前ら Harry Potter くらい辞書使えば読めるんだろ?

74 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL :2014/05/14(水) 11:14:22.60 ID:k16mFhHA

There was a horrible smell in the kitchen the next morning when
Harry went in for breakfast. It seemed to be coming from a large
metal tub in the sink. He went to have a look. The tub was full of
what looked like dirty rags swimming in gray water.
"What’s this?" he asked Aunt Petunia. Her lips tightened as they
always did if he dared to ask a question.
"Your new school uniform," she said.
Harry looked in the bowl again.
"Oh," he said, "I didn't realize it had to be so wet."
"Don't be stupid," snapped Aunt Petunia. "I'm dyeing some of
Dudley's old things gray for you. It'll look just like everyone else's
when I've finished."
英文解釈参考書スレッド part11
129 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 17:42:12.14 ID:QgD5PhGA

英文解釈参考書スレッド part11
130 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 17:44:27.55 ID:QgD5PhGA

■■■英文法書総合スレ Chapter26■■■
200 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 17:54:24.29 ID:QgD5PhGA
Harry Potter が子供っぽいなら Sidney Sheldon もある。

They were in the library, where Jamie had once liked to sit with his brandy glass
in front of him. David was arguing that there was no time for a real honeymoon.
"Someone has to mind the store, Kate." "Yes, Mr. Blackwell. But who's going to mind me?"
She curled up in David's lap, and he felt the warmth of her through her thin dress.
The documents he had been reading fell to the floor. Her arms were around him,
and he felt her hands sliding flown his body. She pressed her hips against him,
making slow, small circles, and the papers on the floor were forgotten.
She felt him respond, and she rose and slipped out of her dress. David matched her,
marveling at her loveliness. How could he have been so blind for so long? She was undressing
him now, and there was a sudden urgency in him. They were both naked, and their bodies
were pressed together. He stroked her, his fingers lightly touching her face and her neck,
down to the swell of her breasts. She was moaning, and his hands moved down until he felt
the velvety softness between her legs. His fingers stroked her and she whispered,
"Take me, David," and they were on the deep, soft rug and she felt the strength of his body
on top of her. There was a long, sweet thrust and he was inside her, filling her,
and she moved to his rhythm. It became a great tidal wave, sweeping her up higher and higher
until she thought she could not bear the ecstasy of it. There was a sudden, glorious
explosion deep inside her and another and another, and she thought, I've died and gone to heaven.
422 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 18:00:32.68 ID:QgD5PhGA



297 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 18:21:23.08 ID:QgD5PhGA
結局前スレのID:xPppfFDS = bEzpdgCa は俺の質問(851)に答えられないようだなw


851 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL :2014/05/24(土) 12:09:32.02 ID:QAQ6Fxcq


852 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2014/05/24(土) 12:10:16.20 ID:xPppfFDS

911 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL :2014/05/25(日) 09:04:42.82 ID:O4OM6hsg

912 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2014/05/25(日) 09:15:38.81 ID:bEzpdgCa

916 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL :2014/05/25(日) 10:23:03.85 ID:O4OM6hsg
英検1級 Part113
786 :777 ◆TFWBMdHdF7zL []:2014/05/26(月) 18:29:02.03 ID:QgD5PhGA
