トップページ > 社説+ > 2018年03月13日 > 6mSY618q0


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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [ES]
【大阪】万博調査団が大阪入り 盛大に“お出迎え”


【大阪】万博調査団が大阪入り 盛大に“お出迎え”
55 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [ES][]:2018/03/13(火) 05:35:47.43 ID:6mSY618q0



Dear Sirs

This is from Japan. Currently Osaka,Japan is World
Expo 2025 candidate.

Osaka is aiming to be casino city through the Expo.
This is outrageous. Everyone knows that casino is
closely related with criminal mafia.

Underground criminal gangsters become both Osaka
governor and Osaka mayor. Japanese election is fraud.

Osaka prefecture government has large fiscal deficit.
Federal government of Japan has declared red alert
about Osaka deficit. Exactly Osaka has no qualification
to hold the World Expo.

Osaka governor and mayor are aiming U.S. casino
enterprise to pay for World Expo infrastructure
construction as their substitute. However, Osaka has
no concrete plan to repay this debt. In the future
Osaka is indispensable to be the criminal city of
casino mafias for the burrowing.

In reality majority of Osaka residents never welcome
the World Expo for the financial reason. Media is
also corrupted in Japan.

Would you please do not misunderstand about the
candidate Osaka for our commemorative World Expo 2025.

Yours sincerely
