トップページ > 同人 > 2007年03月16日 > XjhXXQWO0



太陽和珊瑚I want help,thanks!


I want help,thanks!
1 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 03:31:03 ID:XjhXXQWO0
I need a help,and i hope some japanese friends could give
me some information about it,thanks!long ago i saw a special
MAD(someone called M@D....),the screen like SRW,one attack
one defend,but the characters are not in SRW.they are anime
girls(礼奈、魅音、FATE、Momeryoff、Windows娘 and etc),it's
very funny.it's not a game but a cartoon(very short but just
battle-screen).i don't know it name,so i hope someone could
tell me the name of this anime/MAD,and i will try to buy it.

PS:i am a chinese college student and like anime & MAD,and
i hope you could help me,thank you very much!
I want help,thanks!
5 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 03:51:04 ID:XjhXXQWO0
i just know that anime like SRW(Super Robot War) very much,and every
characters are all anime girls(forgive me,my japanese only can know
the Kanji...).i wanna know its name(like xxxxxxx大戰),in China it's
really hard to get more information about it but i am sure it's a
product of 同人!so i come here and try if find more detail of it.
I want help,thanks!
6 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 03:53:03 ID:XjhXXQWO0
i hope you see it!what i wanna see it's this video.i hope you
could tell me it's japanese name,thanks!

I want help,thanks!
12 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 04:06:09 ID:XjhXXQWO0
(T-T)私は日本語と英語も勉強です,but私の日本語上手ない...i only can
understand the Kanji in japanese,so it's very pain.i also like make
MAD very much though it's very light.i like 同人 very much.
I want help,thanks!
13 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 04:09:34 ID:XjhXXQWO0
to 11:it's my fault,not your fault,my 英語 is too poor(T-T)


this website have one,i hopr you could see it.
I want help,thanks!
14 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 04:16:36 ID:XjhXXQWO0
most of my 友達 like 第1/2回日本紅白夢寐合戰 very much,every 作品 is
wonderful.日本同人の静止画 are too great!!!but the 語言 is the gap
between us,残念(T-T).
I want help,thanks!
18 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 04:39:03 ID:XjhXXQWO0
Hiragana,i don't know its meaning(T-T),i know Hinamizawa and Higurashi
no nakukoroni...最初 i think there are so many 漢字 in 日本語 it
will be easy to 勉強 but then i found it's wrong...like 社會、政治、
文化、風呂、自動車 i see the meaning clearly,like ほのぼの、ニダー、
サブカル i feel very hard to learn.

yes,like some so much really can became the power to learn 語言。
that's why i came here to 勉強:)

I want help,thanks!
19 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 04:44:08 ID:XjhXXQWO0
ありがとう!内藤ホライゾンsan!i find it!it's "Battle Fantasia",
is it in japanese kanji means "夢幻の戰"?
I want help,thanks!
22 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 05:10:42 ID:XjhXXQWO0
you means 平假名/片假名?了解:)you can use 漢語?!内藤ホライゾンsan
is great!!!ah,japan is really very developed,私は still 日本語苦手(T-T)

I want help,thanks!
25 :太陽和珊瑚[suncoral1986@yahoo.com.cn]:2007/03/16(金) 05:56:44 ID:XjhXXQWO0
thanks:)before i offline,私 still wanna say ありがとう to you though
we are in different 国家。you could come here if you need my help.
No country,all 同人 are 友達:)

my blog-----http://hi.baidu.com/suncoral

my video blog-----http://tv.mofile.com/cn/tvuserinfo/userfullvideos.do?loginName=suncoral1986&t=1

ps:whether you will come here,our 中国同人同好会 will 大歡迎:)
