トップページ > dejima > 2011年10月16日 > LzSybxr90


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Do you like "Ghost in the Shell" ?
Madonna vs Mariah Carey


Do you like "Ghost in the Shell" ?
35 :maji[]:2011/10/16(Sun) 16:11:56.92 ID:LzSybxr90
Japanese Government promotes not only anime/manga but also cuisine (Washoku), J-pop and so on.
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_Japan
The decision of MEXT is a way of an aspect in relation to promoting Cool Japan.
(however as it is an announce within Japan, off the point in a little.)

Well, Blood-C has not gone over big as the fandom expected, however as agencies of the nation often ignore your opinions, this is a matter of course.
In general, speakers who deliver a loud (e.g. politicians) have influence on them.

You had better gather the political comrade or create political party.
If not so, your opinion will be ignored from now on.

Thank you.
Madonna vs Mariah Carey
77 :maji[]:2011/10/16(Sun) 18:04:18.00 ID:LzSybxr90
I do think so.
