トップページ > dejima > 2011年05月08日 > roibLSQ00


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This is a tread about 4chan.


This is a tread about 4chan.
91 :maji[sage]:2011/05/08(Sun) 10:09:24.01 ID:roibLSQ00
But 4chan is way worse than 2ch. If you so much as mention anything Japan/Otaku related on boards outside /a/jp/ and very few other boards you get called a weeaboo.
You could however get a greasemonkey script that searches some boards for you.

But I'd avoid 4chan. It's mostly just a chaotic shitstorm of noise, reaction-pictures, and lame memes. Especially now that /b/a/v/ has stretched it's tendrils into all the other previously-ok boards.
I fully agree with >>65
