トップページ > dejima > 2011年01月27日 > iOBZDsFt0


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Oxygen bars..


Oxygen bars..
4 :blabla[maxasofia@hotmail.com]:2011/01/27(Thu) 01:58:01 ID:iOBZDsFt0
Oh yeah? So let me tel you something. When I was kid, in my geography
lessons there was a chapter about the japanese superpower (it was in the 90s).
And somewhere in my lessons they were saying "there is so much polution in tokyo that
people need to go n oxygen bars to breathe" LOL. And the worst part was that, it was not
an error of my teacher; it was written in GEOGRAPHY BOOKS GIVEN BY GOVERNMENT
and you also can found pictures of PEOPLE IN OXYGEN BARS somewhere in the book.

Yeah, this is the kind of crap, we in europe learn about japan
