トップページ > dejima > 2011年01月02日 > xwvvGGIJ0


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Fucking American!


Fucking American!
142 :Griffith[]:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:57:42 ID:xwvvGGIJ0
Hello, American here.

why the hate?
after ww2, we americans built Japan's economy and infrastructure from the ground up.
if it wasnt for america, your country would be a dead wasteland.
"never forget atomic bomb!" << bullshit. the bomb was merciful.
if it weren't for the bombs dropped to ensure your surrender, we would have had to invade.
i dont know if you know what i know... but i would prefer only a couple thousand deaths of the bomb over millions of deaths that would have been caused by an invasion.

grow up.
Fucking American!
149 :maji[]:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:04:13 ID:xwvvGGIJ0
I loving america! america is best!!
