トップページ > 映画作品・人 > 2011年09月01日 > KXjvBwgc


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【ぼくのエリ】 Let the Right One In 総合 Part 3 【モールス】


【ぼくのエリ】 Let the Right One In 総合 Part 3 【モールス】
46 :名無シネマ@上映中[sage]:2011/09/01(木) 08:45:11.70 ID:KXjvBwgc

The new guy got a big whisky and quickly emptied it, ordered another.
Morgan blew air out through his lips with a low whistle.
"This guy means business."
The man did not appear to notice that he was being observed.
He simply sat motionless at the table, studying his hands,
looking like all the trouble in the world had been stuffed into a backpack
and strapped onto him. He quickly downed his second whisky and ordered a third.
The waiter leaned down and said something to him. The man dug around in his
pocket and showed him a few bills. The waiter made a gesture as if to say that
wasn't what he meant, when of course that was exactly what he had meant, and
then he walked off to fill the man's order.
It wasn't surprising to them that the man's credit had been in question.
His clothes were wrinkled and stained as if he had slept in them,
in some uncomfortable place. The ring of hair around his bald spot was straggly
and hung halfway to his ears. The face was dominated by a large pink nose
and a jutting chin. Between them were a pair of small, plump lips
that moved from time to time as if he were talking to himself.
His expression didn't change at all when the whisky was placed in front of him.
The gang returned to the subject they had been discussing: if Ulf Adelsohn would
be worse than Gosta Bohman had been. Only Lacke looked over at the lone man
from time to time. After a while, when the man was on his fourth drink,

【ぼくのエリ】 Let the Right One In 総合 Part 3 【モールス】
47 :名無シネマ@上映中[sage]:2011/09/01(木) 08:46:15.00 ID:KXjvBwgc

he said, "Shouldn't we ... ask him if he wants to join us?"
Morgan glanced at the man, who had sunk together even more. "No, why?
What's the use? His wife has left him, the cat is dead and life is hell.
I know it all already."
"Maybe he'll offer to buy us a round."
"That's a different story. Then he's allowed to have cancer as well."
Morgan shrugged. "It's OK by me."
Lacke looked at Larry and Jocke. They made small gestures of assent
and Lacke got up and walked over to the man's table.
The man looked up at Lacke, bleary-eyed. The glass in front of him was almost empty.
Lacke rested his hands on the chair on the other side of the table and
leaned down toward the man.
"We were just wondering if maybe ... you wanted to join us?"
The man shook his head slowly and made a befuddled, dismissive gesture,
brushing the suggestion away.
"No, thank you, but why don't you sit down?"
Lacke pulled the chair out and sat down. The man drained the last of his drink
and waved the waiter over.
"You want something? It's on me."
"In that case. Same as you, then."
Lacke didn't want to say the word "whisky" since it sounded presumptuous
to ask someone to buy you something expensive like that, but the man only nodded,
and when the waiter came closer he made a V-sign with his fingers
and pointed to Lacke. Lacke leaned back in the chair. How long had it been
since he had last ordered whisky in a bar? Three years? At least.

【ぼくのエリ】 Let the Right One In 総合 Part 3 【モールス】
48 :名無シネマ@上映中[sage]:2011/09/01(木) 08:47:06.25 ID:KXjvBwgc

The man showed no signs of wanting to start a conversation,
so Lacke cleared his throat and said, "Some cold weather we're having."
"Could snow soon."
Then the whisky arrived and made further conversation unnecessary for the moment.
Even Lacke got a double, and he felt the eyes of the gang burning in his back.
After a few sips he raised the glass.
"Cheers. And thanks."
"You live around here?"
The man stared out into space, as if this was something he had never thought
about before. Lacke couldn't determine if the nodding of his head
indicated an answer to the question or if it was part of an inner dialogue.
Lacke took another sip and decided that if the man didn't answer the next question
then he wanted to be left alone, not talk to anyone. If that was the case,
Lacke would take his drink and return to the others. He had done his duty.
He hoped the man wouldn't answer.
"So, then. What do you do to make the time go by?"
The man furrowed his brow and the corners of his mouth were lifted spasmodically
into a grin, then relaxed again.
"... I help out a little."
"I see. With what kind of thing?"
A spark of alertness flashed under the man's transparent cornea. The man looked
straight at Lacke, who felt a shiver at the base of his spine, as if a black ant
had bitten him just above the tailbone.
Then he rubbed his hand over his eyes and pulled a few hundred kronor bills
out of his pocket, laid them on the table and stood up.

450 :名無シネマ@上映中[sage]:2011/09/01(木) 09:36:54.51 ID:KXjvBwgc



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97 :名無シネマ@上映中[sage]:2011/09/01(木) 18:26:29.70 ID:KXjvBwgc
Movie Walkerでは2月
