トップページ > 身体・健康 > 2017年03月06日 > FP5mYfKIa


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病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-xJH3 [])
病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-ebVB)
【アトキンス釜池】糖質制限全般66【じゃろにます】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
コソ-リと潰瘍性大腸炎を語るスレ〜その99 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【アトキンス釜池】糖質制限全般66【じゃろにます】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
764 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-xJH3 [])[]:2017/03/06(月) 12:23:20.33 ID:FP5mYfKIa
The Inuit are often cited as an example of a culture that has lived for hundreds of years on a low-carbohydrate diet
However, in multiple studies the traditional Inuit diet has not been shown to be a ketogenic diet.
Not only have multiple researchers been unable to detect any evidence of ketosis resulting from the traditional Inuit diet,
but the ratios of fatty-acid to glucose were observed to be well below the generally accepted level of
【アトキンス釜池】糖質制限全般66【じゃろにます】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
766 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-xJH3 [])[]:2017/03/06(月) 12:45:55.22 ID:FP5mYfKIa
Inuit and Masai Ate Carbs and Prebiotics, Part 2


But, this not really fermentation, it’s actually “rotting”―or more specifically, hydrolysis by anaerobic digestion that takes place,
slowly, at very cold temperatures.
That’s why they remove all the air from the carcass and seal it up. And what happens
over the course of many months is that some of the many carbohydrates that are glycosylated to proteins and fats as glycans,
including glycoconjugates, glycoproteins, glycolipids and proteoglycans in all those meats, beaks, feathers, collagens, mucins and blood―
which most nutritionists just think of as simple proteins and fats―are degraded by anaerobic digesters into sugars,
fatty acids and amino acids. Some of those are further broken down into carbonic acids, alcohols and gasses―which explains the awful rotting smell and foul taste.

The benefits of all this is that the final product contains some accessible carbohydrates, prebiotic glycans and pre-digested
compounds (and awful smelling byproducts, of course).
But, the pre-digested proteins are key here because protein takes the most energy to digest. 20-30% of total calories
in protein eaten go to digesting it―compared to carbohydrates (5-10%) and then fats (0-3%)
. This is further improved by ingesting the raw enzymes that are still present in postmortem animals which spare the
body from having to create those enzymes and aide in the breakdown of the food with much less effort for the Eskimos.
Eskimos aren’t interested in burning unnecessary calories digesting food―they need to make their food as energy positive as possible, without denaturing its prebiotics that contribute to overall health and intestinal gluconeogenesis.
【アトキンス釜池】糖質制限全般66【じゃろにます】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
768 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-xJH3 [])[]:2017/03/06(月) 12:47:21.75 ID:FP5mYfKIa
【アトキンス釜池】糖質制限全般66【じゃろにます】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
771 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-xJH3 [])[]:2017/03/06(月) 12:53:38.10 ID:FP5mYfKIa
Eskimos actually consume more carbohydrates than most nutritionists have assumed.
Because Eskimos frequently eat their meat raw and frozen, they take in more glycogen than a person purchasing meat with a lower glycogen content in a grocery store.
The Eskimo practice of preserving a whole seal or bird carcass under an intact whole skin with a thick layer of blubber also permits some proteins to ferment into carbohydrates.


【アトキンス釜池】糖質制限全般66【じゃろにます】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
773 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-xJH3 [])[]:2017/03/06(月) 13:00:29.85 ID:FP5mYfKIa
Few people seem to know that the glycogen found in the liver of animals is surprisingly similar to plant starch.
In fact, Claude Bernard―the French scientist who first isolated glycogen in 1857―
wrote years later, in 1877, “I have found that if the muscles of a rabbit are paralyzed and thus forced to rest, the glycogen content rises.
I have observed in this case that the glycogen gives a blue color with iodine, just like that with starch.” Glycogen is also known as “
animal starch” because, in plants, sugar or glucose is stored as starch―just like animals store their glucose in glycogen.
We now know that glycogen is insoluble in water and is a large ribosome-like molecule that can contain up to 120,000 glucose molecules connected in a dense ball of branching chains.
These branching chains make it a polysaccharide that is very similar to amylopectin―what we think of as glycemic starch.
コソ-リと潰瘍性大腸炎を語るスレ〜その99 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
768 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-ebVB)[]:2017/03/06(月) 23:51:50.13 ID:FP5mYfKIa
コソ-リと潰瘍性大腸炎を語るスレ〜その99 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
769 :病弱名無しさん (アウアウカー Sa7d-ebVB)[]:2017/03/06(月) 23:55:01.45 ID:FP5mYfKIa
