トップページ > バイク > 2017年11月05日 > pNxCaDw0


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【1クリで】 オイルでチェーンメンテ 51クリ目 【救えるチャーン】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
岡山のバイク乗り 86


【1クリで】 オイルでチェーンメンテ 51クリ目 【救えるチャーン】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
931 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 03:14:04.86 ID:pNxCaDw0
【1クリで】 オイルでチェーンメンテ 51クリ目 【救えるチャーン】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
932 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 03:24:54.96 ID:pNxCaDw0
岡山のバイク乗り 86
31 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 22:29:53.63 ID:pNxCaDw0
岡山のバイク乗り 86
32 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 22:30:13.74 ID:pNxCaDw0
岡山のバイク乗り 86
33 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 22:32:24.52 ID:pNxCaDw0
岡山のバイク乗り 86
34 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 22:42:49.40 ID:pNxCaDw0
岡山のバイク乗り 86
35 :774RR[]:2017/11/05(日) 23:40:19.71 ID:pNxCaDw0
In July 2012,[78] Kim Jong-un was promoted to wonsu (roughly translated to marshal),
the highest active rank in the military. The decision was jointly issued on by the
Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea,
the National Defence Commission, and the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly,
the Korean Central News Agency subsequently announced.[10] The only higher rank is
Dae Wonsu (roughly translated as Grand Marshal or Generalissimo) which was held by
Kim's grandfather, Kim Il-sung, and which was awarded posthumously to his father,
Kim Jong-il, in February 2012.[10][78] The promotion confirmed Kim's role as top
leader of the North Korean military and came days after the replacement of Chief
of General Staff Ri Yong-ho by Hyon Yong-chol.[10]

External image
Satellite imagery show the message "Long Live General Kim Jong-un, the Shining Sun!"
in Korean on a hillside.
In November 2012, satellite photos revealed a half-kilometer-long (1,600 ft) propaganda
message carved into a hillside in Ryanggang Province, reading, "Long Live General
Kim Jong-un, the Shining Sun!".[79]

Kim Jong-il's personal chef Kenji Fujimoto stated, "Stores in Pyongyang were brimming
with products and people in the streets looked cheerful. North Korea has changed
a lot since Kim Jong-un assumed power. All of this is because of leader Kim Jong-un."
岡山のバイク乗り 86
37 :774RR[sage]:2017/11/05(日) 23:42:14.26 ID:pNxCaDw0
In July 2012,[78] Kim Jong-un was promoted to wonsu (roughly translated to marshal),
the highest active rank in the military. The decision was jointly issued on by the
Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea,
the National Defence Commission, and the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly,
the Korean Central News Agency subsequently announced.[10] The only higher rank is
Dae Wonsu (roughly translated as Grand Marshal or Generalissimo) which was held by
Kim's grandfather, Kim Il-sung, and which was awarded posthumously to his father,
Kim Jong-il, in February 2012.[10][78] The promotion confirmed Kim's role as top
leader of the North Korean military and came days after the replacement of Chief
of General Staff Ri Yong-ho by Hyon Yong-chol.[10]

External image
Satellite imagery show the message "Long Live General Kim Jong-un, the Shining Sun!"
in Korean on a hillside.
In November 2012, satellite photos revealed a half-kilometer-long (1,600 ft) propaganda
message carved into a hillside in Ryanggang Province, reading, "Long Live General
Kim Jong-un, the Shining Sun!".[79]

Kim Jong-il's personal chef Kenji Fujimoto stated, "Stores in Pyongyang were brimmin
with products and people in the streets looked cheerful. North Korea has changed
a lot since Kim Jong-un assumed power. All of this is because of leader Kim Jong-un."
