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【電王戦】 米長 vs ボンクラーズ Part24


【電王戦】 米長 vs ボンクラーズ Part24
627 :名無し名人[]:2012/01/24(火) 20:57:05.26 ID:1VUiNMj2
Horizontal effect

This article refers to the British Human Rights Act.
Horizontal effect should not be confused with Direct effect and indirect effect which are
terms concerning the European Union or indeed vertical direct effect and horizontal direct
effect which are variants of the Direct effect principle.
In British law the term horizontal effect refers to how the Human Rights Act affects
litigation between private individuals even though it was primarily intended to
deal with disputes involving a public body.

【電王戦】 米長 vs ボンクラーズ Part24
628 :名無し名人[]:2012/01/24(火) 21:05:34.49 ID:1VUiNMj2
Horizon effect

The horizon effect is a problem in artificial intelligence where, in many games, the number of possible states or positions is immense and computers can only feasibly search a small portion of it,
typically a few ply down the game tree.
Thus, for a computer searching only five ply, there is a possibility that it will make a move which is detrimental, but the detrimental effect is not visible because it does not search
to the depth of the error (i.e. beyond its horizon).
When evaluating a large game tree using techniques such as minimax or alpha-beta pruning, search depth is limited for feasibility reasons.
However, evaluating a partial tree may give a misleading result.
When a significant change exists just over the 'horizon' of the search depth, the computational device falls victim to the horizon effect.

【電王戦】 米長 vs ボンクラーズ Part24
629 :名無し名人[]:2012/01/24(火) 21:08:03.91 ID:1VUiNMj2
For example, in chess, assume a situation where black only searches the game tree to six plies, and from the current position, it determines that the queen is lost in the sixth ply.
Also, suppose there is a move in the search depth where the computer may sacrifice a rook, and the loss of the queen is pushed to the eighth ply.
This is, of course, a worse move than sacrificing the queen, because it leads to losing a queen as well as a rook.
Because the loss of the queen was pushed over the horizon of search, it is not discovered and evaluated by the search.
Sacrificing of the rook seems to be better than losing the queen, so the sacrificing move is returned as the best option.
【電王戦】 米長 vs ボンクラーズ Part24
630 :名無し名人[]:2012/01/24(火) 21:09:30.17 ID:1VUiNMj2
The horizon effect can be mitigated by extending the search algorithm with a quiescence search.
This gives the search algorithm ability to look beyond its horizon for a certain class of moves of major importance to the game state, such as captures.
Rewriting the evaluation function for leaf nodes and/or analyzing sufficiently more nodes will solve many horizon effect problems.
【電王戦】 米長 vs ボンクラーズ Part24
632 :名無し名人[]:2012/01/24(火) 21:13:24.58 ID:1VUiNMj2
chess programming wikispaces の説明は以下

Horizon Effect

The Horizon Effect is caused be the depth limitation of the search
algorithm, and became manifest when some negative event is
inevitable but postponable. Because only a partial game
tree has been analyzed, it will appear to the system
that the event can be avoided when in fact this is not
the case. Beside obligatory quiescence search, extensions,
specially check extensions are designed to reduce horizon effects.
Water Horizon [1]
680 :名無し名人[sage]:2012/01/24(火) 21:56:24.13 ID:1VUiNMj2

681 :名無し名人[sage]:2012/01/24(火) 22:00:07.65 ID:1VUiNMj2
