トップページ > 調理家電 > 2015年02月08日 > IB5PjP7M


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● ネスプレッソ ★ NESPRESSO ● 32カプセル目©2ch.net


● ネスプレッソ ★ NESPRESSO ● 32カプセル目©2ch.net
390 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2015/02/08(日) 01:23:31.45 ID:IB5PjP7M
Update 30 January 2013: dMichael K. in Miami, Florida wrote me a sad story about mold in his Nespresso C-100.

First of all thank you for your effort in keeping this blog up.
Being only semi-handy I look to the net for advice like this. Great job.
I returned from a few months away to some absolutely disgusting coffee and a moldy smell in my machine.
Descaled twice, flushed with boiling water and baking soda,
boiling water and vinegar and lots more boiling water. No luck.
Two calls to Nespresso (total of 40 minutes on hold) to be told there was
nothing to do with a 4 year old machine but replace it. Ordered a new one. Got it.
Still curious about my mold problem so I decided that even if I had to break it open
I wanted to discover the problem.


The melted pen worked on all but one last screw so I broke the last
side panel off and started unscrewing everything I saw. When I yanked the front nozzle off
I found the problem. YUK!!! Not very happy about the last few coffees I drank anyway.
YUK, YUK!! I'm certainly not an engineer but as far as I could tell from
looking at the construction of the
machine there should not be any water where I found the mold.

