トップページ > DTV > 2014年09月26日 > zdYatpF0


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カスカ 懐石・研究 38枚目


カスカ 懐石・研究 38枚目
722 :名無しさん@編集中[]:2014/09/26(金) 04:43:57.39 ID:zdYatpF0
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カスカ 懐石・研究 38枚目
723 :inSSIDer[Cassandra Lynn Hensley]:2014/09/26(金) 04:50:12.44 ID:zdYatpF0
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Los Angeles (CNN) -- Former Playboy centerfold Cassandra Lynn Hensley was found dead at
a friend's home in Los Angeles, the coroner said Friday.
Hensley was 34.
Playboy model's mysterious death The autopsy on Playboy's Miss February 2006 was done Thursday,
but the determination of the cause of death has been deferred until toxicology testing is
completed, Los Angeles County coroner's Lt. Joe Bale said. Lab results usually take several
weeks to become available.
The model's body was found at 9 a.m. Wednesday in a home in the Marina Del Rey area, Bale said.
Hensley, who lived in Fairfax, Virginia, told Philadelphia's Metropolis Nights magazine last
month that there was "life after Playboy."
"I have been a part of many great experiences: travel shows, magazine covers, and of course
giving advice to young impressionable girls who think they need to act a certain way for a chance
to be a model -- classy not slutty," she told the magazine.
People we've lost in 2014
