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【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760


【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
651 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 09:58:21.52 ID:a5i6xPOD
President: general election Pa.
OCT 23-28, 2020 A+ Muhlenberg College Biden +5
OCT 28-29, 2020 B Public Policy Polling* Biden +7
OCT 16-29, 2020 D- SurveyMonkey Biden +6
OCT 23-26, 2020 D- Swayable Biden +6
OCT 24-25, 2020 C- Trafalgar Group* Trump +1
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652 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 10:08:09.07 ID:a5i6xPOD
Nate Silver@NateSilver538・10分
We've gotten a lot of data, most of it very recent. 91 million people have already
voted. There's no October surprise unless you want to count the latest COVID spike,
which isn't good news for Trump. Trump can win but there's not much indication of a
last-minute surge toward him.
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653 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 10:12:48.82 ID:a5i6xPOD
Nate Cohn@Nate_Cohn・3時間
New CNN/SSRS polls show Biden ahead in four battleground state polls
MI Biden+12, 53-41
AZ Biden+4, 50-46
WI Biden+8, 52-44
NC Biden+6, 51-45
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654 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 10:16:22.01 ID:a5i6xPOD
Charles Franklin@PollsAndVotes・10月30日
In my @MULawPoll yesterday 7% were "undecided or declined to answer".
Most of those were early voters declining to answer. But "allocate" them by
fav/unfav to Biden or Trump and they split equally, bring us to 50% Biden 45%
Trump 2% Jorgensen & 2 still unknown.
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655 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 10:37:15.91 ID:a5i6xPOD
Nate Silver@NateSilver538・7分
PA is a state where there's been a fairly big split between live-caller polls and
others, with live-caller data tending to show Biden leads in the mid-to-high
single digits, whereas online/IVR have more often been in the low-to-mid single digits.

Nate Silver@NateSilver538・10分
We're going to be getting, I'm guessing, somewhere along the lines of 5 high-quality
live-caller polls of Pennsylvania by Monday night, plus I'd imagine also some of the
better online stuff like YouGov.
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656 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 13:31:42.07 ID:a5i6xPOD
Florida maintains toss-up status while Biden leads slightly in Pennsylvania: POLL
There's been little change from September in two critical swing states.
ByGary Langer 1 November 2020, 13:00

The pandemic versus the economy defines the presidential contest in two key
battlegrounds, with Florida holding firm to its toss-up status while Joe Biden
leads slightly in Pennsylvania in the season's final ABC News/Washington Post polls.

There's little change in either state. In Florida, Donald Trump has 50% support among
likely voters to Biden's 48%; it was 51%-47% in an ABC/Post poll Sept. 20. Trump won
the state by 112,911 votes out of more than 9.4 million cast in 2016.

In Pennsylvania, the race stands at 51%-44%, Biden-Trump, a 7-point advantage for the
Democrat; that compares with a 9-point margin late last month. Here, Trump's 2016 win
was even narrower: 44,292 votes out of nearly 6.2 million cast.
グラフ https://a.abcnews.com/images/US/NowVsSeptember_v02_KA_1604091921022_hpEmbed_1x1_608.jpg
PDF文書 https://www.langerresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/1216a62020StateBattlegrounds-FLPA.pdf
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657 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 13:36:53.06 ID:a5i6xPOD
Nate Silver@NateSilver538・20分
Not really anything earth-shattering here. The +7 in PA will help Biden in our
averages (though ABC/Post had it +9 before) and the -2 in FL will hurt him (though ABC had Biden down by 4 in FL before).

Rick Klein@rickklein ・ 26分
NEW polls - Florida - Trump 50, Biden 48
Pennsylvania - Biden 51, Trump 44

Nate Silver@NateSilver538・4分
Biden +4.9 in PA after adding that poll (was +4.7 before) and +1.7 in FL (was +2.0).
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658 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 14:38:11.75 ID:a5i6xPOD
民主、6年ぶり上院奪取に攻勢 下院も多数党維持の勢い―米議会選


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659 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 14:46:46.72 ID:a5i6xPOD
2020/10/30 00:32


【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
660 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 14:49:45.10 ID:a5i6xPOD
トルコリラ5日連続最安値を更新 トランプ氏苦戦が重荷
2020/10/30 23:51 (2020/10/31 3:10更新)
【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
661 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:00:30.24 ID:a5i6xPOD
They once peddled misinformation for Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon. Now they're speaking out
ABC Investigations / By Echo Hui, Hagar Cohen
Posted 12hhours ago, updated 6hhours ago
一時期は、ハンター・バイデン関連の偽情報を郭文貴(Guo Wengui)やスチーブ・バノン

Key points:
The New Federal State of China is a self-proclaimed pro-democracy group headed
by Steve Bannon and billionaire Guo Wengui
郭文貴とスチーブ・バノンの率いる自称プロ・デモクラシー・グループ「The New Federal State of China」

An Australian whistleblower is speaking out about how the group spreads
misinformation and conspiracy theories online

After leaving the group, he has been threatened by Mr Guo and his followers in Australia

Their "whistleblowers' movement", rebranded this year by the duo as The New Federal State
of China, soon became the centre of Hunter Biden's laptop scandal.
ハンター・バイデンのラップトップ・スキャンダルはこのThe New Federal State of Chinaの偽情報

The unverified videos and photos they posted allegedly showing Hunter Biden "engaging
in sex and drug acts" have been watched by tens of millions of viewers, although most
mainstream US media have not reported the allegations because the source and substance
of the material could not be verified.
Former core members told the ABC the group is "very, very dangerous to any country", and
the misinformation it recklessly spreads will seriously harm democracy.
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662 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:01:08.05 ID:a5i6xPOD
"[Guo's media] is spreading misinformation. I think it's trying to interrupt the United
State elections," said John Pan, a former core member of the group, speaking out for the
first time.
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663 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:07:42.96 ID:a5i6xPOD
One of the group's most successful campaigns popularised discredited claims by
a virologist who said COVID-19 was deliberately manufactured in a Chinese lab.
このグループの拡散に成功した偽情報の一つは COVID-19が中国の研究所で作られたというもの

More recently, FirstDraft's researchers found that Mr Guo's supporter's post
about the Hunter Biden scandal from late September is the first traceable mention
of the now-viral rumours.

In the following weeks, Guo's websites have been flooding the internet with the
Hunter Biden rumours.

"The timing of this just weeks out from the election at a crucial time in the US
[election] campaign, shows that this has been planned and there's been some
coordination here to do maximum damage against the Biden campaign," Dr Kruger said.
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664 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:13:11.75 ID:a5i6xPOD
>>661 流石に一流メディアや大手メディアは裏取り検証とかするので、郭文貴のプロパガンダ
【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
665 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:28:11.39 ID:a5i6xPOD
中山 俊宏 NAKAYAMA Toshihiro@tnak0214・4時間
?The Daily:Apple Podcast内のThe Field: The Shy Biden Voters Among Florida’s Seniors

中山 俊宏 NAKAYAMA Toshihiro@tnak0214・4時間

Tee@TeeKinoTakayuki ・ 4時間
言える状況と個人的には分析。 twitter.com/tnak0214/statu…
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
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666 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:30:12.77 ID:a5i6xPOD
中山 俊宏 NAKAYAMA Toshihiroさんがリツイート
tetsuo kotani/小谷哲男@tetsuo_kotani・8時間
【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
667 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:55:08.21 ID:a5i6xPOD
Paul Krugman@paulkrugman
Next week is going to be horrible, for multiple reasons. One reason I haven't
seen mentioned much in the media has come up a lot in my discussions with Wall
Street types: the personal desperation of the Trumpies if he loses 1/

Trump himself, of course, faces likely financial ruin from his unpayable debts
and perhaps criminal charges if he loses the shield of office. Quite a few
officials will probably also face criminal charges for abuse of office, both
political and financial 2/

But there's another, more mundane issue facing many lower-level Trump minions:
they may not get the traditional soft landing available to former officials,
in which you move into a cushy lobbying or industry job 3/

Normally service in government is a plus on your resume; serving this government,
not so much. For one thing, everyone knows that the Trumpies aren't the A team,
or even the B team; they're people who had nothing better to do 4/

What about K Street? The usual connections won't count for much: Democrats control
the House. If they take the Senate too, they will play hardball, giving McConnell
very little chance to shape legislation ? and anyway, it's obvious that MM personally
despises Trump and co 5/

So if you are, say, Trump's Deputy Assistant Secretary for small endangered mammals,
who's going to offer you a job? You pretty much burned your bridges by joining this
administration, and that has jammed the revolving door. 6/

And if you're tempted to mock my mixed metaphor, all I can say is that if Biden wins,
the upper hand will be on the other foot 7/
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668 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 17:55:30.49 ID:a5i6xPOD
What all this means is that we're going to be looking at some very desperate people,
many willing to do extreme things to pull this out 8/
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670 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 20:25:53.97 ID:a5i6xPOD
Election at Hand, Biden Leads Trump in Four Key States, Poll Shows
Nov. 1, 2020, 5:00 a.m. ET
By Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin
           2016   現在
アリゾナ     +4 Trump  +6 Biden
フロリダ     +1 Trump  +3 Biden
ペンシルバニア  <1 Trump  +6 Biden
ウイスコンシン  1 Trump  +11 Biden

Joseph R. Biden Jr. holds a clear advantage over President Trump across four of
the most important presidential swing states, a new poll shows, bolstered by the
support of voters who did not participate in the 2016 election and who now appear
to be turning out in large numbers to cast their ballots, mainly for the Democrat.
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672 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 20:39:38.28 ID:a5i6xPOD

Richard Fowler: Americans are tired of Trump’s lies, incompetence, ignorance and failures
Millions of Americans are over Trump’s mismanagement and it’s time to let him know
Richard Fowler By Richard Fowler | Fox News

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674 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 20:44:26.21 ID:a5i6xPOD

Republicans, Not Biden, Are About to Raise Your Taxes
President Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz
Mr. Stiglitz, a university professor at Columbia, is a Nobel laureate in economics.
Oct. 31, 2020
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675 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 20:50:08.40 ID:a5i6xPOD


【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
676 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 21:01:00.65 ID:a5i6xPOD

Nate Silver@NateSilver538・10月31日
Quick thread. Warning: not super exciting.
1. In the course of our reporting on Trafalgar Group?part of the due diligence
we often do while entering polls?we've learned that some of their polling was
done for partisan clients that weren't clearly disclosed.
【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
679 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 21:32:54.23 ID:a5i6xPOD
Paul Krugman@paulkrugman・39分
The final stages of the Trump campaign have involved a lot of flailing.
He tried running against imaginary anarchist hordes; when that didn't work, he
tried running against Hunter Biden's laptop; now he's running against evil
doctors 1/

Trump's claim that the pandemic is basically being fabricated by money-grubbing
physicians is grotesque; but it's not as random as it may seem. The shifting
politics of doctors are a window into how both America and the GOP are changing 2/

Doctors used to be very Republican. Back in 1961 the American Medical Association
urged doctors' wives (hey, it was 1961) to bring their friends over to hear Ronald
Reagan denounce Medicare 3/

Also, medicine isn't and can't be an ordinary business. Doctors are required
to swear some version of the Hippocratic Oath, and while they may not always be
saints, we do expect and often get a higher ethical standard than from many
other professions 5/

Which brings us to the modern GOP: hostile to science and expertise of all
kinds, exalting the profit motive, accusing anyone claiming to stand for higher
principles other than religious faith of "political correctness". Trump isn't
an outlier; he fits right in 7/
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680 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 21:33:31.56 ID:a5i6xPOD
Oh, and I should mention that there's a remarkable association between modern
conservatism and the hawking of quack nutritional supplements 8/

So Trump's war on modern medicine isn't just a convenient excuse for his
pandemic failure. It's another battle in the right's long war on rationality
and those who defend it 9/
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681 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 21:40:54.38 ID:a5i6xPOD
Nate Silver@NateSilver538・12分
How the NYT/Siena polls affected our averages:

AZ: They have Biden +6. Our average goes from +3.2 to +3.4
FL: They have Biden +3. Our average goes from +1.7 to +1.8.
PA: They have Biden +6. Our average stays at +4.9.
WI: They have Biden +11. Our average goes from +8.2 to +8.7.
【政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その760
691 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/11/01(日) 23:51:12.61 ID:a5i6xPOD
Biden leads Trump by 10 points in final pre-election NBC News/WSJ poll
The Democratic nominee leads President Trump 52 percent to 42 percent nationally.
Nov. 1, 2020, 11:00 PM JST
By Mark Murray
“This is the 11th survey we’ve done in 2020, and so little has changed,” said
Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster
Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.
