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政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758


政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758
307 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/08/12(水) 09:48:16.00 ID:VEhiKaI0
*民主党副大統領候補にKamala Harris(黒人女性)が指名されたことについて保守の
評論家の重鎮Bill Kristolのコメント

Bill Kristol@BillKristol・12分
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were far more respectful of the memory of the late
John McCain than was...Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris@KamalaHarris ・ 2018年8月26日
My colleague John McCain will be remembered as a devoted father and husband, war
hero and a conscience of the Senate. Sending my condolences and prayers to his
friends and family, and to the American people who have lost a true patriot.
政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758
308 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/08/12(水) 09:52:16.10 ID:VEhiKaI0
*著名な保守系評論家のJennifer Rubin
Jennifer Rubin@JRubinBlogger・11分
Trump beaten by Obama's VP and an African American/Asian American woman of
immigrants means the writers room got carried away. (Oh! And she's married to
a Jewish guy! Stop. Enough. Ya killing me.)
政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758
309 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/08/12(水) 09:55:06.10 ID:VEhiKaI0
Paul Krugman@paulkrugman・4時間
So, do you want to know what I think about the choice of Harris? No, of course
you don't. You have no idea how much peace of mind that gives me.
政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758
310 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/08/12(水) 09:57:50.58 ID:VEhiKaI0
中山 俊宏 NAKAYAMA Toshihiro@tnak0214・1時間
はありません。88年、you’re no Jack Kennedy発言でベンツェンがクエールを完全に潰し

VP Debate - 1988 | Today In History | 5 Oct 18
On October 5, 1988, Democrat Lloyd Bentsen lambasted Republican Dan Quayle during
their vice-presidential debate, telling Quayle, "Senator, you're no Jack Ke...
政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758
311 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/08/12(水) 09:59:34.71 ID:VEhiKaI0
Kazuto Suzuki@KS_1013・18分
メッセージにもなっている。 #NewsPicks

民主党副大統領候補にハリス氏 黒人女性、バイデン氏発表 (共同通信)
政治経済】令和床屋談義 町の噂その758
312 :日出づる処の名無し[sage]:2020/08/12(水) 10:13:19.62 ID:VEhiKaI0

Trump Campaign Playbook: Paint Kamala as ‘Ruthless’ and ‘Power-Hungry’
Trump campaign officials said they expect to be called sexist, so they are
embracing attacks painting Harris as “power hungry” and overly “ambitious.”
Lachlan Markay Reporter Asawin Suebsaeng White House Reporter
Updated Aug. 11, 2020 7:41PM ET / Published Aug. 11, 2020 6:12PM ET

“The playbook on Kamala is pretty simple,” a plugged-in Trumpworld source told
The Daily Beast. “Right now the message on Biden?and it’s the first effective
frame the campaign has sustained on Biden?is that he’s an empty shell for the
radical left. Kamala Harris is a power-hungry politician. She comes across as
ruthless. So it’s a believable frame that she’d be running the administration
for empty shell Joe Biden.”

The source, who, like others, requested anonymity to speak candidly about Trump
re-election strategy, acknowledged that the strategy will likely elicit cries of
sexism from Biden, Harris, and other Democrats. But Trump’s political machine
nonetheless sees it as both consistent with recent Biden messaging that they feel
has been effective and a line of attack against Harris that Trump and his allies
can make stick.

Trump, for his part on Tuesday, called Harris “nasty” during his daily press
conference and rambled for several minutes about various parts of her record he
didn’t like.
But it was her questioning of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the Senate
Judiciary confirmation hearings that truly raised his ire.
“I thought she was the meanest, the most horrible, most disrespectful of anybody
in the U.S. Senate,” he said.
