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【広告除去】Adguard Part2【280blocker】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【広告除去】Adguard Part2【280blocker】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
374 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2017/01/22(日) 22:00:02.39 ID:bMbWydja
What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is the same thing as HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), but over an encrypted channel (called SSL/TLS), which is indicated by the last letter S (Secure).
This protocol is used for the transmission of sensitive information, such as MasterCard/Visa card numbers and personal data.

Why should it be filtered?

Now more and more websites, blogs, and social networks are switching to HTTPS.
Then, following blogs and websites, more and more ad networks are switching to HTTPS as well, because it is necessary to display ads on the sites working over HTTPS.

The following are examples of popular websites, where ads cannot be removed without HTTPS filtering: youtube.com, facebook.com and twitter.com.

How does the filtering of encrypted traffic work?

If this was easy, HTTPS wouldn't be secure. In order to filter secure traffic, Adguard will create two secure connections.
One to a browser, or other application; and another to a server. It is important that in this case the browser "trusts" Adguard and its created connection.
For this purpose Adguard generates and installs a special root certificate in the system and, if necessary, in certain browsers e.g. Firefox.

Does my traffic stay secure and encrypted?

Of course! Your connection to the remote server stays encrypted and secure.
Just like a browser Adguard checks the server certificate before starting to filter it.

By default, Adguard doesn't filter websites of financial services and websites with important personal data.

There are two modes of HTTPS filtering:

Filter ONLY connections to domains on the blacklist.
Filter ALL connections EXCEPT those to domains on the whitelist.
We have pre-added domains of financial institutions and banks there, and this list will be updated in the future.

All right, how can I enable it?

Install certificate into the system certificates storage.
If you do not have a password or lock screen pattern, then Android will require one of the options to be set up.
This is an Android requirement.
Restart the protection.
If you have done everything correctly, the HTTPS filtering will work like the usual filtering.
How to remove a certificate from the system?

Go to Android settings -> Security -> Trusted credentials.
Go to the "User" section.
Select "Adguard Personal CA" (it might be the only certificate there).
In the opened dialog window scroll down and tap 'Remove'.
【広告除去】Adguard Part2【280blocker】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
378 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2017/01/22(日) 22:29:54.28 ID:bMbWydja
【広告除去】Adguard Part2【280blocker】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
381 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2017/01/22(日) 22:55:07.83 ID:bMbWydja
